Filet Mignon Beef Online – Now That’s a Special Dining Experience!

filet mignon beef online

Filet Mignon Beef Online

Uniquely, it is often the most tender and lean cut. Not only, does the Filet Mignon (Beef Online) often have a milder flavor, its texture is ideal for a delightful dining experience. Furthermore, the Filet Mignon is unlike other cuts of meats. First, it can be garnished with a sauce. Not only can a sauce enhance the taste buds, but also added ingredients such as wrapped bacon.

Comparatively, due to the small amount of Filet Mignon able to be butchered from each animal, it is generally the most expensive cut of meat. Also, there are variations of cuts from the long-narrow whole piece. First, and most impressive is the Chateaubriand. Second, we have Medallions, slightly small than Filet Mignon. Third, we can use the Tenderloin Tips ideal for kabob, stir-fry and stews

Not to mention, Sterling Foods offers the best quality filet mignon. Also, Sterling Foods offers Sterling Grillers retail products online. Lastly, Prepared Meals from our partner Jim Group offers delicious pre-cooked meals.

List of Various Tenderloin Cuts

In addition, here is a list of the various cuts that fall under the Tenderloin category:

Full Tenderloin Roast, Chateaubriand, Filet Mignon, Medallions, Tournedos, Tenderloin Tips. All amazing cuts!