Shredded Beef

Shredded Beef comes in primarily two varieties, in a stew-like sauce, or crispy. Also, various Latin American countries have their benchmark versions of this succulent dish. From the Cuban “Ropa Vieja” – through Puerto Rico and Panama – and Venezuela’s “Pabellón”, the popularity of this dish is undeniable. Making sure that it is tender, juicy and  flavorful, is part of the objective of any cook. However, when it comes to the crispy version, texture is paramount in the making.

Traditional Venezuelan Pabellón Criollo

Yesterday, on July 5th, Venezuela celebrated its 207th anniversary when Congress declared to be independent from the Spanish Crown. Despite this, and many outstanding accomplishments the Venezuelan people have made both on a national and international platform, the social and political climate is one that is extremely challenging for many. Specifically to the topic of food – the scarcity of basic goods – is one that is worrisome, puzzling and infuriating. In any event, we need to keep the faith and strive to bring solutions when and where possible. And in this article, we look to celebrate and share a delicious recipe.

Shredded beef is a component of Venezuela’s national dish “Pabellón Criollo”. It consists of shredded beef, black beans, white rice and fried plantains. “Arepas” (a Venezuela corn-based, round bread) and cheese, at times are served as a side dish. This dish is not for the faint-at-heart. Though many do adapt quantity and richness to fit their lifestyle and nutritional needs. In our mission to offer innovative and nutritional ideas, a paleo-focused diet allows us to present a lean dietary option, where still the richness and pleasure of the shredded, crispy beef can be enjoyed.

The following Shredded Beef recipe is simple and amazing! Its side dishes are wonderful and healthy accompaniments.

Servings: 4 -6 people

1-2 lb flank or skirt steak

One large pot of water
3 bay leaves
2 carrots
2 celery sticks (keep leaves)
1 large onion
1 bunch of fresh cilantro

Ingredients for Crispy Process:
4 tablespoons of olive oil
1 large onion, finely diced
3 cloves garlic, finely chopped
1 teaspoon of paprika

1) Cut the meat into 3-4 pieces.
2) Place beef in a large pot over medium-high heat; sear it. Add the water and vegetables and bring to a boil. Add salt, as needed. Bring heat down to simmer, cover and let it cook for about 2-3 hours, or until meat is tender. As the meat cooks check the broth levels and add more if needed (meat should always be covered by the broth).
3) When the meat is tender and fully cooked, carefully remove from the pot, place on a plate and let it cool.
4) Once the meat is cool enough you can begin the shredding process using two forks or your hands.
5) In a large skillet over medium heat the oil and start to add the beef.
6) Add the onions, garlic, paprika and salt if needed.
7) Let the beef achieve its crispy texture, watching that it does not burn.
8) Flip the beef to ensure that all sides get the crispy shredded beef texture.
9) Top with chopped green onion, add olive oil and serve.

Side dishes:
5 Sliced tomatoes
3 Sliced Avocados
Grilled asparagus
Sprinkle freshly chopped green onions
Serve with a lime wedge (optional)