Best Quality Beef? Well, That’s a Juicy Question We Can Help Answer.

Best Quality Beef

Selecting Best Quality Beef

Most of beef consumers understand at least a couple of factors when selecting the best quality beef. First, we can reference compositional quality such as lean to fat ratio. Second, palatability such as appearance, firmness, tenderness, succulence, scent and flavor are considerations that most look for when choosing. That said, the nutritional quality of meat is objective while experiencing actual quality, as perceived by the consumer, is highly subjective.

Understanding Quality Beef

In addition to the above, a good quality steak should be marbled. Marbling is the white streaks of intramuscular fat apparent in certain beef cuts. Certainly, some cuts are more geared to accumulate these deposits of fat between the muscles of the animal. Its aspect is very noticeable in red meat. The fat in lean muscle creates a marble pattern – hence the name. Marbling affects the succulence, tenderness, texture, and flavor. For this reason, the grading scale largely considers this point, though other factors as genetics and USDA qualified criteria is used.

What Really is Your Cut of Beef?

Each one of us has preferences based on personal taste. Culinary experts can classify cuts of beef based on the previously mentioned as well as dining experience factors. A cut like a beef tenderloin or filet mignon has a more subtle flavor that goes extremely well with sauces, while a ribeye due to its propensity to have more marbling and juiciness is best prepared with little seasoning.

In American fine dining, the following cuts are certainly offered to make an extraordinary impact:

Trying out each one of these stellar items, ideally in its best prepared manner, and paired with the perfect side dish and beverage, is sure to create a memorable experience. At Sterling Foods we have an impeccable section of hand-cut beef steaks for our clients’ foodservice needs. And coming soon, our Sterling Grillers retail line will be available online.