Spaghetti and Meatballs Italian American? Tu non fai l’Americano!

Spaghetti and meatballs is an Italian American dish. This dining creation has its origin in The United States of America. The misconception that it is an “Italian” dish is probably due to Americans associating pasta dishes to Italian cuisine. First, it is unlikely to find this combination as a meal option in Italian menus. Second, if you do find it, it is largely to satisfy the cravings of the typical American tourist.

American Pop Culture

Of course, spaghetti and meatballs as an Italian American meal has crossed into ready to heat canned foods. First, we just have to look at Campbell’sSpaghettiOs” or Chef BoyardeesSpaghetti and Meatballs“. These canned items sell close to 100 Million cans sold per year in the U.S.

Italian American immigrants probably paired spaghetti and meatballs out of necessity. Culture and taste, combined with the practicality of a full-plate meal in American dining habits, most likely brought together the known “polpette” (meatballs) and spaghetti. Polpette are rarely eaten alongside pasta. The order of serving plates in traditional Italian dining begins with “il antipasto” (appetizer), “il primo” (entrée) and “il secondo” (main course). The latter does not include pasta, as pasta is served as “primo”.

American Meals Today

Nevertheless, Americans continue to enjoy a full plate of delicious meatballs made from top grade beef. Of course, selecting quality beef is key to providing an enjoyable experience. Sterling Foods offers various beef products that are also excellent cuts for an extraordinary dining experience. Furthermore, our sister company Jim Group, offer a variety of  Prepared Meals, that are excellent for foodservice and retail food businesses.

Finally, Sterling Foods offers practical and economical options that make sense for an American market. Contact Sterling Foods to learn more about this amazing foodservice expert.